
New Earth is constantly evolving the many ways in which Landowners may participate in the Project.

Currently those wishing to do so may participate in one or more of the following ways:

Establish your land as a Sovereign Territory of New Earth Nation

Become a full member of New Earth Nation by establishing yourself, your family, community group or tribe as a sovereign nation with your land as its sovereign territory.

Establish a Sovereign Territory of New Earth Nation

Create your own Community within the New Earth

Create a community profile on our locations map. A corresponding community group will be created so that you can begin to connect with others to help build your community.

Contact us to help get you started

Donate land to New Earth Trust for Community Projects

If you have land you would like to be used for the creation of a New Earth Community, but don’t want to actively be involved in the project yourself, New Earth Trust can manage the process

Read more

Participate in a Commercial undertaking with New Earth Retreats

If you have an exceptional piece of land and would like it to be used to create a one-of-a-kind New Earth Retreat AND share in the profits, the team at New Earth Retreats would love to hear from you.

Contact New Earth Retreats